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Travel in Wales by train and bus

Is there any no change route by train or bus from Barmoth , North Wales to Aberwystwyth ? Also from Aberystwyth to Narberth or Tenby?

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7336 posts

Short answer no.

Barmouth to Aberystwyth is the train to Dovey Junction, cross the island platform for Aberystwyth.

Dovey Junction exists as a junction station. It has no road access and very few people walk to the station.

Thus the connections work. They aren't going to send the Aberystwyth train out until the one from Pwllhelli and Barmouth has arrived.

No bus route that makes sense between the two towns.

Aberystwyth to Tenby is a long way.

Take the T1 bus at 35 minutes past almost every hour on the 2 hour 15 minute journey to Carmarthen Railway Station (the penultimate stop before Carmarthen Bus Station), then the train to Narberth or Tenby
There is also a faster bus at 0940 (bound for Cardiff)- the T1C which arrives at 1123 (one bus a day)

Then trains-
Carmarthen 1055
Narberth 1120
Tenby 1141

then every 2 hours-

By bus all the way you would take the T5 hourly on the 3 hour 15 minute ride to Haverfordwest Bus Station switching bus at Cardigan-

You then have 40 minutes to switch to the hourly #381-
That takes 25 minutes to Narberth or 70 minutes to Tenby

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44 posts

Thanks so much isn31c ! The detailed info. is helpful .
I need to plan very carefully as I’m travelling with a large and small suitcase ! If I’m able I’ll not take the smaller one but a month in Wales means I need lots and am bringing small gifts for family .

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7336 posts

One of the things to be aware of is that the Traws Cymru long distance buses are almost all citybuses. That is to say they do not have toilets/bathrooms on board.
A question often asked on here for much shorter journeys!
On the very long haul from Aberystwyth to Haverfordwest it used to be the case that there were toilets close to Finch Square in Cardigan, where you switch buses. I have just been checking and updating the information for Cardigan on the national toilet map (having checked yesterday on the back of this post)- those have been closed, and the town's toilets are now in the two main car parks (plus in the Library on request, close to Finch Square). Thus you would need to allow the one hour between buses in Cardigan if you think you would need a mid journey bathroom break. One hour in Cardigan is a nice and worthwhile interlude anyway, if a bit less so burdened with luggage.

The fee for the bathrooms is now 40 pence- contactless card or cash- by the way. The info for Aber. on the national toilet map is out of date- I've just done the bare minimum needed for now relating specifically to Cardigan, then established what needs to be done for the rest of the County.

Whether that leads to a preference for the shorter bus/train combo via Carmarthen would be a personal preference. That has the drawback of a one hour layover at Carmarthen as 5 minutes between bus and train is asking for delays. So no perfect answer.

The one exception to the rule is the Aberystwyth to Cardiff via Carmarthen bus, which is rostered for a toilet equipped coach.

I have just been looking and you can actually book Aberystwyth to Tenby bus/train combo as a through ticket for £16.60 on any rail booking website (Transport for Wales or any other).

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2536 posts

If you are staying in Narberth - be sure to check how far you have to go to your accommodation. If Narbertth is not the place where you have family, I would suggest that you would be better off staying in Tenby - although Narberth is a nice little town.

Don't be concerned about switching trains at Dovey Junction. Everything is timed to work and you will see clear signs telling you where the Aberystwyth train leaves from - just walk across the island platform - all on the flat.

I think it would have been better posting this in the Wales forum rather than under transportation. (The experts on different countries are more likely to only check ‘their’ country on RS).

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44 posts

Thanks so much James, I’ll repost soon on the Wales section, will take your advice and stay in Tenby and thanks about Dovey Junction !

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7336 posts

I notice that Carla of Costa Rica has now removed her advice to change at Machynnleth, rather than Dovey Junction.
If you did that you would generally miss the connection to Aberystwyth, as you have to cross over the bridge for your other train.
On the 0649 from Barmouth you would have 3 minutes to do that, on the 0749 2 minutes, and on the 1059 you would miss the connection entirely.
On the 0852 and the 1255 you would go to Machynnleth and have one hour between trains.
So Dovey Junction is the correct place to change.

Time was when that was often correct, quite a few years ago.

So the 1059 is your optimal train from Barmouth.