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travel from Zurich to Florence, Italy

How long does it take to travel by train from Zurich to Venice? How long is the train ride from Venice to Florence? How long would the train take if we went directly from Zurich to Florence without a layover en route?

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23273 posts

You can answer you own questions by going to and plug in the cities.

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32212 posts

Lizanne, As Frank mentioned, the information is readily available on the DB (German Rail) website. To answer your questions: > Zurich to Venice: about 6.5 hours, usually with one change at Milano Centrale, reservations compulsory. > Venice to Florence: about 2-hours, direct train, reservations compulsory > Zurich to Florence: just under 6-hours, again with one change at Milano Centrale, reservations compulsory. Happy travels!

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295 posts

Make sure you get an ICE train for the Italian legs. Don't get stuck on a Regionale train. Sometimes it looks attractive on the schedule, but the rolling stock is a lot older.