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Travel from Zagreb, to Lubljana and back

How frequently do trains travel between these two cities? Where's the best place to get train information.

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19093 posts

The German Rail website will have schedules for anywhere in Europe. Kind of looks like during the week there are only about 3 train connections each way during the day. Sorry for the terse answer earlier. My cat likes to sit in front of my keyboard so I'll pet him. It makes it hard to use my computer to do anything but to post a link.

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35 posts

I have used the link offered by Lee (German rail) any number of times and found it useful. Thanks, Tom, for offering another for the area. My wife and I are committed to the ETBD Eastern Europe tour ending October next year, and have similar questions about transport. Train is a possibility, but what about bus? Is there a link that would help with that? I thought we might ask while on the tour ... but why wait???

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294 posts

We took the train from Zagreb to Lubljana on Nov. 17. The trains ran 3 times in the morning til about 2 then 3 times at night from 1800 and later. The trip takes about 2 1/2 hours. No problems.