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Travel from Timisoara, Romania, to Barcelona

Would like to travel by rail from Timisoara to Barcelona in October. I have not found a connection between the Romanian rail system and that of Western Europe. Can anyone help?

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306 posts

Just for the fun of it, I went to, the best online rail site, and input Timisoara to Barcelona for a day in October and found plenty of choices. They'll all take you between 30 and 40 hours, and the exact itineraries vary, but you can let your fingers do the walking at the site yourself. It's a very easy site to use.

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1557 posts

Can you explain why you want to travel by train on such a long journey? Is this a must have, love trains type of thing? How much time and money are you going to dedicate to this journey? I know this is not what you asked but I would strongly recommend flying unless you can answer the first question posed above.

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2 posts

We are just looking at alternatives and it is becoming clear that flying is the best option. I would like an alternative means of getting there which allows us to see more of the countries, but it appears not to be a good alternative. Thanks for your comment.