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Travel from Rome to Praiano

Our 5 adult family members are flying into Rome in May. We need to get to Praiano. Would it be better to rent a car or travel by train? Our flight is overnight and we fear travel overload getting on several trains then a bus to our final destination, however, we have been told that travel by train is easy. Help!!!!

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That's a long journey just after getting off of an overnight plane trip. I personally would not try to do it all in one day especially when you have more than 2 people on the trip. How long is the plane flight over? Chances are someone is going to get grumpy and you are facing a good 6-8 hour journey from Rome-Praiano where you will face at least 5-6 train/bus transfers.

The Naples-Amalfi Coast driving route is probably the most challenging driving route a person would face on holiday in Europe. Once you get to Praiano parking is an expensive and tough proposition unless you are staying in a place that provides parking.

I'd try to stay in Rome for the arrival night, take the Eurostar express train from Termini to Naples and find a car service to drive you to Praiano. The drive is spectacular and a good driver can make it a wonderful trip not to mention a lot simpler. Well worth the expense.