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travel from Portofino, Italy to Cinque Terra

can you travel from Portofino to Cinque Terra and back in just one day and be able to enjoy them both?

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8700 posts

The closest train station to Portofino is 6km away at Santa Margherita Ligure. There is bus service between Portofino and the SML train station. Depending upon the number of stops, you can go directly from Santa Margherita Ligure to Levanto (the first Cinque Terre town) in 35-51 minutes.

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3313 posts

Yes. Just get on the train to La Spezia and get off at whichever of the CT towns you want to see.

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3 posts

Great! Do you know how long it takes from Portofino to the first town in Cinque Terra?

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6898 posts

Portofino doesn't actually have a train station. You need to go a short distance to the Santa Margherita-Ligure-Portofino train station. The two towns adjoin each other. The train journey from the S. Margherita-Ligure train station to Monterosso (the first of the five Cinque Terre towns), takes 44min-57min depending on the type of train you are on. The fare for the Regionale train is 4.10E. The fare for the IC train is 7E.

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30 posts

You might want to take the train to the last town and walk back along the trail between the 5. beautiful walk. maybe 45 minutes between each. Not a whole lot to do in the towns. Just chill at a cafe and rest for the next leg.