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Travel from Paris to Madrid

Trying to see if the train or airplane would be best from Paris to Madrid. We are 4 people with 2 arriving in Madrid early a.m. on Friday 5/18. The other 2 need to come from Paris and meet up with us at Madrid airport and then we'll pick up our car there. Concerns about amount of luggage and costs for it on airplane.
Thanks for your help.

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8700 posts

easyJet has a direct flight that leaves CDG at 06:40 and arrives in Madrid at 08:55. EasyJet is a budget airline so tickets can be very cheap. However, you have to pay strict attention to luggage numbers, size, and weight limits or you'll pay a lot in extra fees. Also, budget airlines have a strict check-in deadline. If you miss it, your tickets will be worthless and you'll have to pay full fare on a later flight. There is also the Elipsos Trenhotel that goes directly from Gare d'Austerlitz to Madrid Chamartin, departing at 18:53 and arriving at 09:00.

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524 posts

Linda It looks like train from Paris to Madrid is 13 hours. Check ou t for cheap airlines for this route. Much shorter and cheap if you buy early. But prices do go up as the flight approaches. BUT you must read the fine print. Strict luggage restrictions and if you blow it, you can double the cost of the flight. Everything costs you. Pay for seat assignments, early boarding, drnks, etc. But reliable and good buy. If Ryan Air Paris airport is Beavais, don't book as it is far out from the city. Bobbie

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24 posts

Thanks very much to both of you for your info. We should be able to figure out from all of that.

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35 posts

We took this train from Paris to Madrid in Oct. and really liked it.