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Travel from Paris to Bordeaux

What is the best way to travel from Paris to Bordeaux - plane or train?

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8700 posts

Definitely train. Direct TGVs make the trip in a little over three hours. That's faster than flying when you add in the time it takes to get to and from airports and go through security. Sit back and relax in a comfortable seat, enjoy the view out the window, and reduce your carbon footprint. If you book well in advance (up to three months allowed) at, you can get a discount iDTGV fare as low as €19 or a Prem's fare on a regular TGV as low as €22. To keep the site in English and to avoid being bumped to the Rail Europe site which doesn't offer discount fares, choose Great Britain as your country of residence. Print your own tickets.

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5 posts

Tim - thanks for the info. It is our first time doing a trip like this.