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travel from Florence to Volterra

How can I travel from Florence to Volterra on a bus or train (on a Saturday)? thanks!

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3112 posts

Bus is your best option. Saturday schedules are generally the same as weekday schedules. The faster route is SITA bus from Florence to Colle val d'Elsa, where you change to a CPT bus to Volterra. The buses are timed to connect. Fall schedule will probably offer a morning, midday and late afternoon option. The slower route is train to Pontedera and CPT bus to Volterra, but there are frequent trains and more buses. Pontedera bus station is one block from the train station.

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3 posts

Dear Frank, Thanks so much for the information! I'm hoping we'll be able to get there no later than 7 p.m. (our plane is scheduled to arrive in Florence at 3). thanks again, toni

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3112 posts

For a 3:00pm arrival in Florence, looks like you'll have 2 choices. There's a 5:10pm bus from Florence to Colle Val d'Elsa with 10 minutes of change time and arrival in Volterra at 7:20pm. If you can't buy both tickets at the Florence bus station, there's a big metal news stand right by the bus stop that sells tickets. Confirm with a local from which side of the street the Volterra bus departs. You could also take either the 3:53pm or 4:28pm train from main Florence station to Pontedera and catch the 5:24pm bus arriving in Volterra at 6:40pm. The 4:28pm train only allows 11 minutes to connect, but it's doable. When you leave the main entrance of the train station, walk one block to the big square with all the buses. When you get to the square, take an immediate left and go to the cafe to buy your ticket. The Volterra bus (#500) usually departs from near that end of the square. Send me a PM if you have specific questions.

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3 posts

Dear Frank, Thank you again for the great detailed information about getting from Florence to Volterra. I very much appreciate learning about the available options. thanks again for taking the time for a thoughtful reponse. take care, toni