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Travel from Dublin Airport to Shannon

Bus, car or train? There seems to be no commuter flights from Dublin and it also seems that nothing is direct and quick except car. I arrive in Dublin at 8:00 am on Saturday and need to meet tour group in Shannon around 1:00 pm or (1300). Any good ideas? Thanks,

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1035 posts

Wow, this is going to be really tight. I think car is your best bet, but even then you'll be cutting it close. Might want to have a plan B in case you miss the group. Your best case scenario would have you arriving in Shannon a little before 1. If your flight is late, or immigration and customs takes too long, you could miss them. Are you flying direct from the US or are you connecting from, say London?

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5 posts

Thanks for your reply. It is becoming clear that car is the best means. I have some flexibility however, I am surprised that there is no express bus and even more that there is no commuter flight from Dublin to Shannon. What can you tell me about car rental? Do I need to have the International Driving Permit in Ireland and Scotland? And how expensive is the auto insurance? Thanks for you help.

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1035 posts

There are buses for sure, but you have such a short window of time, I dont this it will work. Also, you'd need an express bus and I don't know if that exists. Dan Dooley is a good place to start. Insurance will vary, but factor in the Super CDW. EDIT: No on the intrl ds.

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9363 posts

Dublin airport to Shannon airport is about a three hour drive without any stops or delays. It's mostly on motorway, so you should make good time. The danger is, as a previous poster said, if your flight runs late, if passport control is slow because of multiple flights arriving at the same time, if you have to wait for your bags, etc. It will also take time to do car rental paperwork, then wait for the shuttle to get to the car. And you will probably want to get cash and/or something to eat before getting on the road. You are going to have to hope that the stars align and everything goes as it needs to to get you there in time. Good luck! EDIT: Considering the cost of a one-day rental with dropoff in another city and insurance, might it make sense to just pay a change fee and land in Shannon yourself? Just a thought.

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1035 posts

This is a good idea on Thomas' part, but you'd have to be to Heuston station by 9am to pull it off. I don't see that happening if the flight arrives at 8am. If you could get the tour group to wait until 1:20, you'd have a shot at Thomas' plan. You'd need to be on the 10am train out of Heuston station. Forget the airlink bus, grab a cab and hope that are no major traffic slowdowns. Assume anywhere from 35-45 mins. You'll need the planets to align just right, but it is possible. By the time you pay the cab fare, train and bus, plus the stress of such a close connection, a car will cost the same or less and give you more peace of mind.