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travel from Cinque to Avignon and then to Milan

How can I find out the means and costs of travel - ferry, train, and plane - for late June 2012.

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32212 posts

Martha Ann, The quickest and easiest method is usually travel by train, however the trip from the Cinque Terre to Avignon is quite long. Could you clarify your travel plans. Travel from the C.T. to Avignon and then back to Milan is not the most efficient route. Is there a particular reason for that? Also, which of the five towns in the C.T. will you be staying in? Good luck with your planning!

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2876 posts

I agree with Ken about your route looking inefficient. What city are you flying into on your flight from the US?

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7 posts

I'm flying to Milan because roundtrip is cheaper, but I will be visiting Venice for a few days, then Riomaggiorre in Cinque Terre, then before I go back to Milan to attend a conference (the purpose of the trip) I thought it would be nice to see Provence. I'm traveling very light and am flexible.

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2876 posts

I think the fastest and least expensive way to do what you want to do would be this: fly Easyjet from Milan to Lyon, then take the TGV from Lyon to Avignon. Coming back, just reverse the trip. Flight and train ride are each about an hour. Round-trip flight on Easyjet will be about 70-80 euros. Round-trip TGV ticket should be about the same. You can catch the TGV right at the Lyon airport. One possible snag is that the Easyjet flights are M-W-F-Sun only.