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Travel between Ventimiglia, Italy to Eze, France

What is the best way to travel between Ventimiglia, Italy (coming in to this city by train) to Eze, France. Thank you Kevin

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There are one or two trains per hour, from early morning until late evening. Takes about 35 minutes, cost about €5.

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There are two Eze's, one at sea level or just above and one a medieval village at the top of a hill. One is a cliffside above the other. The first is Eze sur Mer, the second Eze le Village. For the first take the regional train, usually at least every half hour expect at lunch or strike, from Ventimiglia station to Nice. As soon as you go into the long tunnel at Monaco which has the Monaco station in it start to get ready to get off. Eze sur Mer is the second stop after Monaco, just a few minutes away. Get off the train and you are there. If you have been lucky to do this on a nice day and have been able to get seats upstairs and on the left you will be rewarded the full length of the trip except when in the tunnels of course, with magnificent glimpses of the Med. For Eze-le-Village there may be taxis at Eze sur Mer (I've never tried) but there certainly would be at Monaco. I've never taken a taxi myself there but the ranks have always been full in Monaco. What we did was take the tiny (it has to be with the hairpins and tiny lanes) bus between the two Ezes. There is also a large bus from Nice and Monaco but since the Gare des Routiers was demolished in Nice I don't know how that affected the TAM buses.