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Travel between Fussen and Bolzano by rail

We want to go from Fussen to Bolzano by train, I have read a couple of different options, going back to Munich or taking a bus and transfering in Reutte. Is there a Bavarian rail discount that I could go back to Munich and use that then make a different reservation from Munich to Bolzano? Has anyone done this and suggestions please. Thank you

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A bit of a difficult question. Various routes might work depending on the time when you leave. You can take the bus over to Reutte and then the train via Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Mittenwald to Innsbruck, but depending on the time, the buses to Reutte might not be convenient. There are more frequent buses to Pfronten, which is just up the rail line from Reutte. There is also a bus from Füssen to Garmisch via Oberammergau, from where you could take the train to Innsbruck. Best to check the schedules on the German Rail website, And, as you said, you can also go back to Munich and take the EC from there to Bolzano. . . . . ¶ Do you already have tickets for any part of that route? When are you going? If you book well enough in advance, you can get a Europa-Spezial ticket for the entire trip, Füssen to Munich and then on the EC from Munich to Bolzano, for as low as €39 pP. . . . .¶ There is a rail line that runs from Pfronten, Germany, through the Tirol to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It's in Austria, but run by German Rail, so the Bayern-Ticket can be used on it. You can get to it by a bus, covered by the B-T, from Füssen to Pfronten, or by the bus from Füssen to GaP, also covered, but only the Germany part of the bus to Reutte is covered. A Bayern-Ticket will also cover you for Pfronten or Garmisch to past Mittenwald but you would need a separate ticket through Austria to Innsbruck.