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Travel between Florence and Rome's airport

We have an 11:45 am flight out of Rome on Saturday morning but want to spend our final evening in Florence. Is it feasible to get from Florence to FCO in time to make a late morning flight? I am not sure how much time to allow for travel to the airport, for customs and to check bags. Thank you for any advice you can offer.

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3112 posts

It's not realistic to get from Florence to Rome airport for a late morning flight using public transit, even if taking the first morning train out of Florence. There have been prior posts on this same topic that list the train schedules and explain why there's not enough time. It might be possible if you have a rental car and can control your departure time from Florence (but if parked in a garage, be mindful of what time it opens). You'll need to be at Terminal 5 (assuming a flight to US) by 9:30 at the very latest.

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4 posts

Yes, our flight is to the US. Thank you for the information you provided. It is much appreciated!

Posted by
864 posts

It's just not practical or maybe even feasible to do this. Spend the last night in Rome proper (not near the airport please). Have a great dinner, a good nights sleep and then train out to the airport. Less sweat/worry more quality time. Taking the Leonardo express allow 45 minutes +/- Remember you may miss the first target train time you choose. Allow two hours to check in and clear security etc. There is no point in getting on a long haul flight sweaty and stressed.

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23447 posts

Are you sure it is a direct flight to US? It is a little early for a direct flight.

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2207 posts

I think the first "direct" flight back to the States (currently) is an Alitalia flight from T3, nonstop to Miami, departing about 09:15. The first US-flagged carrier flight - from T5 - is usually the Delta flight at 09:40 to ATL. I've been on that flight many, many times. The latest direct flight - and this is only my personal experience so I'm sure there's perhaps something later, was on Alitalia non-stop to JFK. We departed about 14:40 from FCO.

Posted by
4 posts

Our flight is not direct to the US. Based on the information already provided, we've changed our plans and will now spend our last night in Rome. Many thanks for the helpful travel tips.