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travel between Cluj-Napoca and Sarajevo


I am not finding flights between Cluj-Napoca or even Bucharest to Sarajevo. Am I not looking in the right place. I find it rather unusual that there is not one flight per day between Bucharest and Sarajevo.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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16894 posts did not show me any nonstop flights for my tested spring dates but going directly to looks more promising. It's only going to accept certain kinds of verified credit cards, so also check whether is any easier to use. Other carriers will require a connection at their hub, e.g. Turkish Airlines via Istanbul.

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27206 posts

I don't suppose there's much chance that you have lots of time, but both Timisoara and Belgrade are interesting cities. If you're willing to spend a lot of time on buses, you could do worse.

I traveled from Zagreb to Timisoara by bus in 2015, with a 2-night stop in Belgrade along the way. Novi Sad's also interesting. And later I bussed from Sofia to Podgorica, Montenegro, with an overnight stop in Nis, Serbia.

I'd do both trips again. It does require some flexibility of schedule since it can be difficult to pin down bus schedules with certainty.

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489 posts

I wish I had time, but no, must be in Sarajevo the day I leave Romania. Just can't understand how close they are, but no direct flight. Looks like I'll be seeing Istanbul again or Vienna. I don't mind either airport, but cutting out layover would be nice.