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Transportation to Portovenere from Santa Margherita Ligure

What is the best/easiest way to go from Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy to Portovenere for the day? If there is boat transportation, is it from Santa Margherita or from the Cinque Terre and, if so, from which village do we take the boat? Or, if we take the train to La Spezia, is there reliable bus transportation from there to Portovenere? If we have a car, should we drive to Portovenere, as I think the parking is expensive and the lots are a distant walk to the town. Any help/suggestions will be appreciated.

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I know that there is ferry service from Monterosso to Portovenere. We've been on that ferry. I tried to search for other ferry service from SML to Monterosso. I see postings that indicate that there is one but I can't pull up a website. From Portovenere, there is regular bus service into La Spezia where you can pick up the train back to SML.