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Transportation from CharlesD Airport to Paris

Looking to see what a taxi charge would be from airport to Paris (citycenter). Or, is the metro easy to use. Will be flying in at 8:30 pm and would prefer to take a taxi if affordable. Thanks.

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129 posts

Norma, thanks for the information. It is a toss up to take the train or fly. With the extra 100 euros, I think we will take the train.

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8700 posts

If you're packing light and won't have trouble hauling your luggage up and down steps, the RER & Metro are easy to use. You can get from CDG to within a few blocks of any hotel in central Paris for €8.40. See here.

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101 posts

We took Taxis both into Paris at approx 1000hrs and then back to the airport at approx 1530 hrs. Total cost including tip was 45 euros each way. Two large suitcases between the two of us. Went from CDG to the Pantheon area which should give you an idea of distance etc
Hope this helps

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25 posts

I'm with Tim - the RER is extremely easy to use and it put's you right downtown at any of several stations. Grab a taxi from there and save a ton of money!
