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transportation from Antwerp to Bruges

What is the approximate cost of the train from Antwerp to Bruges and how difficult is it to get on and off the trains with luggage? We are trying to decide if we should rent a car or use the train. Thank you--

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4684 posts

According to the website the fare is 14.10 euros per person single. The floors of the trains will be quite high and the platforms low: three or four steepish steps. I still think it would be faster and more convenient than driving unless you have real trouble lifting luggage, though.

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4407 posts

Use for your planning. For either the hourly no-transfer train, or the others that require a transfer in Gent/Ghent, the price is 14,10 Euro and both trips take about 1h30m. IF you have a carry-on-sized bag each, getting on and off of the trains is easy. IF each is bringing 3 large, hard-sided bags, it's much harder but can be done. Painfully ;-) Definitely use the trains there! EDIT: Philip and I posted at the same time; great minds think alike ;-) Here is a video Rick has done on train travel that shows him and others getting on and off of trains: