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Transportation between Venice and France

What is the fastest (and hopefully not most expensive) way to travel between Venice and Marseille, Nice or Lyon? I can't seem to find the train connections or to figure out time.

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2645 posts

Kay, I faced this same issue when planning our trip. I just did not want to leave Venice out as I am traveling with two people who have never been there. I could not ever make the Venice to France (Paris for us) trains make financial or time-investment sense. Easyjet did, indeed, make it all totally doable. I paid 66US per ticket and that includes the EasyJet additional fee for luggage. The trains were so much more expensive...glad I looked into's an excellent alternative here.

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16745 posts

Venice to Nice is a bit over 8 hours by train, including time to change trains in Milan and Ventimiglia. Where are you looking for schedules?

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621 posts

Thanks, Lola. Mostly trenitalia, but I've trashed around on other sites as well. I think eight hours is going to be too long for us, so it looks like we'll have to skip Venice this time. I was hoping there might be some sort of Franco-Italian high-speed train.

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2876 posts

Easyjet flies nonstop from Venice to Lyon, 4 days a week. Flight only takes 90 minutes. Cost varies depending on your travel date but is never very expensive. This is clearly the fastest - and probably the least expensive - means of travel between your destinations.