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Transportation between Florence, Siena, San Gimignano & Volterra

We will be coming into Florence via train from Venice late March 09. We hope to visit all the cities named above during our six days in the area. Is bus (train?) transportaton frequent enough between these cities to allow us to stay in one place as a base and leave early in the morning and come back late evening each day as we make the 'rounds'? Or is it better to sleep in a new city each night? I can't find a website that gives bus schedules in English. Any thoughts?

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864 posts

You say "we" will be coming into Florence via train. Given that you have 6 days have you considered renting a car (you can get one from Avis about a block from the train station)? This would enable you to stay outside of Florence in a self-catering cottage/villa and take day trips everywhere. Of course if you're under 25 well.... A car for 4 is quiet practical from a $ standpoint and gives you alot more flexibility. Should you decide on this option be sure to post for driving tips/returning car in Florence etc.

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6898 posts

There is frequent transportation between Florence and Siena and then from Siena to San G. It's a bit less frequent to Voterra. For Florence to Siena, you can take the Trenitalia train or the SITA bus. Frequent and very easy. In Siena, has a frequent bus from Siena to San G. There doesn't seem to be a direct bus to Voleterra but you can connect via Colle di Val d Elsa. Less frequent buses. It's very difficult to pick up these runs on the website from the U.S. but they are there.

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113 posts

I'd certainly recommend the bus between Florence and Siena. It runs very frequently, it's inexpensive, and it takes only 75 minutes. Plus, the bus to Siena will leave you off near the town center, where the train to Siena leaves you with a long uphill walk to the town center. You can make Siena a day trip from Florence, but I think it's worth spending a night in Siena if you can make it fit into your itinerary. In fact, I think it works best to make Siena your home "base" for renting a car and making day trips to San G. and Volterra. Siena's easier to drive around in than Florence. (Just make sure not to drive in the no-car zones).

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3112 posts

Between Florence and Volterra, there are 4 buses Monday-Friday, 3 on Saturday and none on Sunday. M-F options going to Volterra are 07:10-09:30 or 08:40-10:35 and options returning to Florence are 13:15-15:15 or 17:20-19:15. The 8:40 bus doesn't run on Saturday. All require a change in Colle Val d'Elsa. There are several daily buses between Florence and San Gimignano. All require a change in Poggibonsi. Best to verify schedules at Florence bus station, where you can pick up a handy schedule. Trains aren't an option for Volterra and San Gimignano.

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4 posts

This, and the other replies, have been extremely helpful. Thanks!

Posted by
1358 posts

I would prefer taking the train. Riding 75 minutes on an Italian bus will be like half a day on other lines. They go through every village and stop at most. If you take the bus ask about an express line.

I would prefer not to move, but to stay in one city and day trip out from there. Packing and unpacking luggage will get old quick if you move every day. Besides, you waste time traveling to another city.

Posted by
837 posts

I would completely agree with the Avis suggestion as well as the one to base in Siena. The drive to Siena from Florence is nice and easy. The freeway access from the Avis train station location is not difficult, although you must keep your attention posted to signs. The Villa Elda is a wonderful hotel in Siena. If you stay there be certain to get street by street directions. Don't rely on a Michelin printout. The Villa Elda is outside the historic district. The offer parking and there is some street parking. Siena is a good base for all of Tuscany and Umbria. I would certainly recommend driving the hills and mountains in Tuscany as well as just visiting towns.