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will be renting an apt while in Nice and thought it might be a good idea to put the management company's address (rather than the exact apt address) & phone number (in addition to my personal cell number) on our luggage tags in the event our luggage is lost...any thoughts? When sightseeing is it best to carry your passport and leave a copy at the hotel or should you carry a copy and keep the original secured at your hotel? Thanks much

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23562 posts

I would put both. We always but a detailed schedule on top in the luggage. As put our son's cell phone number as the second number on our luggage tags. We don't carry a cell phone in Europe. We carry our passport 24/7. The copy is useful to prove to the US Embassy that we once had a passport should we lose ours. But that probability is so low we didn't worry about it. A copy is of limited value as an id.

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33513 posts

Will the management company be happy to receive any lost luggage? You do use the type of luggage labels which have to be opened to view the information, right? Why would you want an address where you won't be? I've just woken up so may be being thick, but don't get it. Also, loretta, you picked "transportation" as the title of your thread - so many people have done so before - in the transportation section of the helpline. Your question is about labels and passports. If you put something like that in the thread title it might attract more readers and helpers to your question.

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4412 posts

My passport stays in my moneybelt, on me. For your luggage: put your name, personal contact info (phone numbers you'll check while away, email address), flight info (I make up 2 separate sheets of paper for coming and going): flight number, date, time, flight cities and airport code. Yes, overkill. I would also put my itinerary on that sheet of paper - dates, hotels, and contact phone numbers and email addresses for each. Check with the mgmt co first; that may not be an actual staffed address. You want to include physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc., that you'll have access to. My husband's work number wouldn't be the best number for timely correspondance with the airlines (who aren't known for their timely correspondance); we'd include our European cellphone number and the hotel's info. I also suggest a new title - 'Contact Info in Checked Luggage' or something along those lines... **I vote that Nigel is, indeed, "thick"; anybody else? Just Kidding, Nigel 8^D Voting remains open......(heh-heh)