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transportaion from fco to rome

cheapest way fco to vatican area? If I take the fm1 to trastavere, can I get on the fr3 or is it the fr5 to vaille aurelia? can i get off and take metro a to ottaviano? Is the fr1 or fm1 a separate ticket for 8 euro and then do I buy a big ticket which includes the fr3/fr5 and the metro for 4 euro. Does the b.i.r.g include the fm1 train. thanks molly

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7697 posts

From FCO your choices are really either the FM1 or the Leonardo Express. The cheapest would be a ticket to Trastevere on the FM1, then a Metro ticket to the Vatican area on the connecting train (you will then be in Zone 1) The total will be less than 8 euro, as long as you can get from the Trastevere to where you want to be in the alotted time limit. You can also, at the FCO train station use the ticket machines to pick the nearest train station to your hotel, and at the most use a 1 euro metro ticket to get the rest of the way.

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1010 posts

The most convenient way is to have your hotel order a taxi to pick you up at the airport. That is what we did. The driver met us where we picked up our luggage, helped us to his car and drove us to our hotel. Then another driver picked us up at the hotel and took us back to the airport. There was no hassle and the price was arranged when we booked our hotel. We just paid the drivers directly.