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Transport advice: LAX to Pasadena ( and back)?

I will be flying down to LA to meet my sister before our trip to Scotland in the spring. I am trying to get to Pasadena and back by public transport. My sister drives everywhere and isn't familiar with the LA metro system. Mlooking online, it seems pretty confusing., so I thought maybe someone here who lives in LA can help.

What is the difference between MetroLink and Metro Rail? The Metro Gold Line goes tomPasadena from Union Station and that looks good, but it is not easy to get to Union Stationnfrom LAX. Maybe the FlyAway Shuttle is the easiest? But this is vulnerable to traffic problems? I want to learn how to do this so we can take it back to the airport for our flight to London ( and not have to park at the airport).

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4085 posts

Sasha, this board is focused on Europe. You might try a travel forum for the United States such as Fodor and Lonely Planet offer, or even Trip Advisor.

Posted by
3261 posts

Thanks, Roberto. That is very helpful and tells me what I need to know.

Posted by
14809 posts

"...but it is not easy to get from Union Station to LAX."

I would think it is. From Union Station to LAX is a direct bus. I have seen this bus when I was there a few years ago, can't remember the number but saw travelers getting on to go to LAX.

Posted by
3261 posts

I meant it is not easy to go between LAX and Union Station by rail---it takes several changes. The re is a bus, the FlyAway or something like that. I just wonder if we need to be concerned with traffic delays.

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12313 posts

Anytime in LA you should be concerned about traffic delays. If you don't have a delay, consider yourself lucky. My family is in San Diego. My wife's family is in Santa Maria. When I drive between the two, I generally plan to pass through LA at 4 am - because that's the only time of day I can be, mostly, certain of no delays.

Posted by
7053 posts

MetroLink doesn't apply to you because none of the routes go to or through Pasadena. Use the trip planner features on to figure out how long it will take to use the gold line, and the schedule on the FlyAway shuttle to estimate the bus route portion. I think you shouldn't be concerned about things you can't control or anticipate, like traffic - it's a waste of energy to worry ahead of time. Just give yourself some contingency time and then don't stress over it. ( used to live in LA for over 20 years and visit often - you'll get through the traffic, so just stick to your plan and you'll do fine)

I would follow the link Roberto sent you - it's the best info out there for the trip you want to make.

Posted by
3261 posts

Thanks. Not worried or stressed, I just want to be sure we allow enough time when going TO the airport. I think our flight leaves late afternoon but I will check that.