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Trains Salzburg to Prague

Leaving Salzburg 7/22 for Prague. One train arrives in Summerau at 1151 (platform 2)and leaves at 12:05 (platform 1). The other arrives at Landshut at 13:23 (platform 1) and leaves at 13:32 (platform 5). Are these transfer times possible, or can we expect to be stuck waiting for a later train to Prague? There are ones leaving much later (and arriving in Prague much later). Has anyone done these transfers and can give advice? Thanks!

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19092 posts

In Landshut you would have 9 minutes to go down one floor, walk a short distance in the tunnel, then come up to platform 5. As long as you are at the end of the car when the trains stop and walk at a reasonable pace, you shouldn't have any problem. If the first train is a little late, they will probably hold the second one long enough for everyone that is obviously headed for it gets on. Just stay with the herd. In Summerau you have more time, 14 minutes, for a slightly shorter walk.

People make these connections all the time.

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295 posts

Thanks! I had visions of a 14-hour day, which I would have enjoyed a lot more before I hit 60!