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trains in Munich and Paris

I will be in Munich for 13 days during the 2008 Christmas season. What kind of train pass or tickets should I get for travel in and around Munich as well as some side trips I have yet to decide on.
Then, I will be in Paris for 7 days on the 1st of January. Ditto on the question fo the train system there. Thanks for any help or sugestions.

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267 posts

Have a look at these sites:

The Paris Metro

Overview of Munich Metro Tickets

Both cities have the same classes of tickets (single trip, day passes, weekly passes). The appropriate type depends on how frequently you use public transport. Choose a ticket that suits your needs.

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19227 posts

That entirely depends on where you are going.

If you are staying in the Munich metro area, the Munich passes pointed to by the previous poster are what you need.

If you are going outside of the Munich MVV area, but will still be within Bavaria, you can use what is called a Bayern-Ticket. This ia a pass valid for 2nd class on all regional trains in the state for a day.

For any travel outside Bavaria, that would have to be approached on a case-by-case basis.

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5 posts

Thank you! I will be staying in the Bavaria area. the Bayern ticket is just the ticket!

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959 posts

Eileen, if you're going to be with a few people, there's also a 3-day pass which covers a few zones for public transportation. It was a good deal for us as we were in a group of 4 and we were almost always together. The link that was provided above by Martine shows that option as well. (It's under "Day tickets"). You might want to check out the Partner tickets also under Day Tickets that are just for a day but also for multiple travelers. We also used the Bayern-ticket when we went from Munich to Garmisch. But keep in mind that the Bayern-ticket is only good 9am to 3pm Mon-Fri. If you can use it, at only 27 Euro (for up to 5 adults), it's an exceptional deal.

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192 posts

Just wanted to note that the Bayern ticket is good from 9 am of the day of use until 3 am(not 3 pm) the next day. Also, it can be purchased for the weekends too or you can purchase a Schones Wochenende ticket.

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19227 posts

Since the Bayern-Ticket is good all over Bavaria all day on weekends (midnight until 3 the next morning), there is no reason to purchase the more expensive Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket unless you are going into another German state (Land).

And, it seems that most regional trains out of Munich leave just before 9 AM (too early to use the Bayern-Ticket) and the next train is an hour later, close to 10 AM. However, most of those trains are still in the Munich metro district (MVV) at 9, so you can use point-point tickets or Tageskarten to cover your travel until 9 and arrive an hour earlier.

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10 posts

Bad Tolz, Garmisch, Berchtesgaden, Salzburg, Kufstein, the Kriskindlmarkt in Nurnberg. No better time, no better place.