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Trains in France

I went to Strasbourg France, catching a train from Zurich. My trip to France was the best, absolutley perfect.

Except, for one small thing that could have been a disaster, especially due to the fact I cannot speak or read French.

There was train strike that was due to happen on a specific day at a specific time (which happen to be the day I was to leave back to USA). This was posted all over the train stations, newspapers, etc.

A french woman who could speak good english, said the day before the strike, there is will be a train strike. I said, as a dumb American, "oh, I am sure that is a threat and will not really happen." She then tells me that it has been planned for over 2 weeks and advertised to prepare travellers.

All things worked out, but.......when in the train stations in France, just ask "is there a strike this week?"

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8293 posts

Since you can't speak or read French, regularly buying issues of the Herald Tribune at almost any news stand in France would have kept you abreast of strike (and other important)news. Next time.

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27 posts

Ahhhh.......will do, going to Strasbourg again in the winter and I will be a regular subscriber the Herald Tribune.

Thanks, Norma