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trains from Paris to Giverny & Versailles, and parispass

Can Giverny and Versailles be done in one day? What trains are avaialble from Paris? Also, has anyone bought a parispass for 4 days? We will be in Paris for 7 days, traveling to Giverny/Versailles for 1 day and then the remaining 4 days in Paris to visit museums, sites etc. Is the 4 day pass worth it? Thank you!

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11528 posts

Paris pass is almost always not worth it. Get a 4 day Museum pass, buy it there ( no need to prebuy and pay for shipping etc) . The ticket to Versailles on the RER is 7 euros return ( I would not do both Giverny and Versailles in one day but it can be done apparently) . Ticket to Vernon ( Giverny) is around 14 euros( not sure). The four day Museum pass is not a bad deal if you visit at least 2 sights a day, and it can be used for Versailles( and thats a minimum of 18 euros there) .
When is trip, Monets Gardens close Nov 1st

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2916 posts

I'm not sure it's physically impossible to do Giverny and Paris in one day, but if not, it's pretty close. We did Paris-Giverny and back in a day trip with ease, but I don't know how we could have gotten to Versailles also, unless maybe we started at 5 a.m. Paris-Giverny took a change of trains and then a taxi from the station to the garden.

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8700 posts

I agree that the Paris Pass is not a good deal. You can do much better buying a Paris Museum Pass and paying for transportation separately. I wouldn't want to squeeze both Giverny and Versailles into one day, but here's how you could make a whirlwind visit to both places. Take the RER C from central Paris to Versailles-Rive Gauche in time to be at the chateau when it opens at 09:00. Be aware that the RER C line divides on the west side of Paris so be sure to get on a train that is going to Versailles-Rive Gauche. It will have the nameplate VICK. Trains from Paris to Vernon (the station closest to Giverny) depart from Gare Saint-Lazare. You'll need to leave Versailles-Rive Gauche by 13:00 in order to get to Saint-Lazare a little before 14:00. Take the RER C from Versailles-Rive Gauche to Invalides. Transfer to Metro line 13 and take it to Saint-Lazare. Leave Gare Saint-Lazare at 14:20 and arrive at Vernon at 15:04. Take either a bus or taxi from Vernon to Giverny. Return to Vernon in time to catch the 18:53 train to Paris. For a zoomable map of the Metro and RER system, go here:

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21767 posts

Here is site for trip planner to work out schedule for hitting your sites. Depending on your timing, a Navigo Decouverte Semaine pass would be a great deal. Just did this 2 weeks ago and it worked slick. Cost is 33.90 Euro for one week (Monday to Sunday) zones 1-5, plus 5 Euro initial processing. Need to bring a 1" by 1.2" photo (just take a digital photo of yourself and reduce it to apropriate size and print on photo paper). We got these at the SNCF ticket center at CDG TGV station. Looked like a big line, but we got through it in 15 minutes and it only took 3 minutes to get the pass issued. Now we have a pass good for 10 years and we just reload it next time we go to Paris. Zones 1-2 are only 19.15, but with train from CDG to Paris and trip to Versailles make Zone 1-5 worthwhile.
Here is the site, only available in French, so use Google Translate to make sense of it.