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Trains between Paris and Amsterdam

Are there any options between Paris and Amsterdam that don't involve Thalys. They are really expensive even with a pass.

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12040 posts

Yes, although I don't know the details on Paris to Brussels that well. From Brussels to Amsterdam, there's a regular ICE train that leaves about every hour. Over the PA system, you'll hear it referred to as "the international train to Amsterdam/Brussels". No reservations are necessary or possible. I don't know if there are any extra fees for passholders.

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4684 posts

There are definitely regular non-Thalys expresses between Brussels and Amsterdam that are cheaper and only a bit slower. (I think Tom mis-typed: these are branded "IC" or "Inter-City", not "ICE" which is the German ultra-high-speed trains.) But there isn't an express alternative between Paris and Brussels, and I have a nasty feeling that the slower trains are deliberately designed not to provide a usable alternative. You may have to go to Lille and make a detour via Ghent to get to Brussels.

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9100 posts

"They are really expensive even with a pass" Thalys between Amsterdam and Paris isn't expensive at all. If you book early enough you can get restricted fares for just 35 euros. If you take the regular inter-city train via Brussels and Lille it will cost over 80 euros and take longer. Stick with the high-speed train.

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182 posts

go thalys it is worth it. faster, some amenities. you are on vacation. get there as fast as you can. have fun, be safe.