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Train v. car rental in Northern Italy

We have a group of 3 adult women and 3 college students traveling in NOrthern Italy (Florence, Venice, Cinque Terra, for a week in June. We are wondering about the cost/benefit of renting a car vs. taking trains and public transportation. Any thoughts?

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9110 posts

If you'll be visiting three spots in a week that's only a couple nights in each location, none of which are really suitable for driving.

Six people is a three-seater of some kind, not a sedan. Even if this were not the case, six pieces of luggage would present problems.

If you're flying into one city and out of another and renting multiple vehicles, that's, minimally two piuck-ups and two drop-offs -- an administrative loss of a half day in a precious few seven.

The comment that a vehicle would be nifty to use to visit hill towns has limited merit since the best known of these are well south of Florence which is already the southernmost point on your schedule and you have indicated that you have a finite amount of time to spend on the trip.

A car would seem to be the transportation means of last choice.

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536 posts

Hi Lee Ann - Steve's post about using a car to see the Tuscan hilltowns makes perfect sense. They are not "well south" of Florence. San Gimignano is about 35 miles, Siena is about 45 miles, and Volterra is 52 miles - I've done it quite a few times from Florence and it's a Beuatiful ride and gives you the versatility to stop wherever you like as you meander thru Tuscany.

Ciao, Greg

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9110 posts

The point is not that a car/van/suv is not the best way to see the hill towns, that's a given. The point is that there's no time to see them on this itinerary. Seven days is two nights in each spot. Siena, the town at mid-distance is an hour and a half (maybe two hours) from Florence considering the time to get from in town to where ever the car is stashed, drive down, park, and walk into Siena itself. Do the thing in reverse and that's four hours of logistical time or half a day. This makes Siena pretty much an all day affair. Boom! One day in Florence is shot; leaving only what was left of the day of arrival to see Florence.

The point of the OP was the best means of transportation to see CT, Venice, and Florence, not what else could be done if you had a car/goat cart/or sailboat -- and time coming out your ears.

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32325 posts

Lee Ann,

Given the three locations you want to visit, a Car might be more cost effective but I'm not sure it's the best method under the circumstances.

With six people plus luggage, you may have to rent something like a Minivan? European cars tend to be on the "compact" side and the capacities quoted by the rental car firms are usually quite accurate. Also, travel by train will be much faster and more efficient.

A couple of things to keep in mind. First, for driving in Italy each driver will require the compulsory International Driver's Permit. These must be used in conjunction with your home D.L. Failure to produce one can result in being fined on the spot! The I.D.P.'s are easily available for minimal cost at any AAA office (Passport photos required). These are valid for one year.

Also, you'll have to be very careful to avoid the ZTL zones which are increasingly appearing in Italian towns, especially in Florence. Passing through one of the automated Cameras will result in a €100+ fine EACH time; you'll receive the violation notices in the mail several months after you return home.

For driving in Italy, a GPS unit along with a good Map are highly advisable. While a car will get you to Venice, it will be useless once there and you'll be paying for parking. A car is also not the best method for visiting the Cinque Terre as parking is "limited" (although better parking available in Monterosso al Mare).

In the same circumstances, I'd "pack light" and use the trains, especially as you only have a week! I'd suggest using the EuroStar Italia / Alta Velocita trains wherever possible. While having a car might offer some convenience and perhaps slightly lower cost, it will use more of your precious travel time.

Happy travels!