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Train trip from Venice to Paris! Which path?

Has anyone taken the train from Venice to Paris? We have two full days to get to our hotel in Paris. Which cities did you go through and why did you LIKE or DISLIKE what you did ??

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If by two full days you're saying depart Venice early Monday morning, and be in Paris by Tuesday evening... To me, the obvious choice is could travel 7.5 hours, then about 3.75 hours b/n Basel and Paris...You can pick any town along the way (I looked at Colmar, France, for instance) and go there, but be careful of adding ALOT of time in off-the-direct-path connections...that's why you might just want to stay in Basel for the night. Or Milan...Or Munich...You could even go to Munich if you really want to get creative - with or without a night train: Venice>Verona (1 hour, max fare = €20 (& could be cheaper), then Verona>Munich (5.75 hours non-stop €39 2nd class advance-purchase discount fare) , then next day Munich>Paris (6 hours, 0-1 connections, €39/69/89 advance-purchase, depending on availability). Just some food for thought...OR you could do the WHOLE trip in a day OR a night... You won't have alot of time at your middle destination, hence my suggestion to perhaps just muscle through the single trip. If you stay VERY close to the 'middle town' train station, stopping could be worth your while to get a taste of another city.