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Train travel - passes, reservations, or point-to-point?

My husband and I are going to Europe for the first time, and have a fairly aggressive schedule picked out. Wanting to do my homework, I've used the Bahn site to identify several train schedules that will work for the various legs. We are starting in Germany (Munich), then to Czech Rep. (Prague), then Austria (Salzburg), to Italy (Rome on night train from Salzburg, Florence, Cinque Terra).

The Eurail pass now includes Czech Rep., so we're thinking about doing a 4 country pass. But many of the trains I've looked at either suggest reservations or require them. What's the best option? If I wait until I get to Europe to make reservations, will I be too late for some of the trains (night train Salz-Rome, Florence-Vernazza)?

We'd appreciate the advice!

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32310 posts


In order to suggest a few different options, it would help to know whether you're using open-jaw flights (and a few other details on your travel plans). It appears that you're starting in Munich, but where is your outbound flight departing from?

I would probably use a slightly different travel route:




  • Budget flight to Rome (I believe SkyEurope operates on that route - be sure to check their baggage limits and other terms!)


Cinque Terre (4 hours by direct train to La Spezia)


  • Fly home via Milano / Malpensa???

When travelling with a Rail Pass, I normally arrange/buy reservations for the outgoing journey when I arrive in each city (since I'm at the station anyway). As you noticed, reservations on some trains are compulsory. I know from bitter experience that if you're caught without the appropriate reservation, you'll be fined on the spot! The Rail Pass only provides your ticket, not the reservation (or Couchette fees for night trains).

One important point with night trains is to choose a direct train rather than one with changes. If you choose "the wrong" train, you won't be getting much sleep!

Good luck with your planning!

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7209 posts

Yes, night trains sell out quickly so if you wait until you arrive to purchase your sleeping compartment then you are likely to be out of luck.

Passes may sound convenient, but some of your travel routes can be had for very cheap. Munich to Salzburg is dirt cheap when you travel on the Bayern Ticket. Czech Train tickets are relatively cheap also. Yes, use SkyEurope to fly from Prague to Rome (we are flying this route in June 2009). If you book your Italian Train Tickets far enough in advance you can take advantage of the Amica Fare which offers a 20% discount. Actually the rules allow you to buy the Amica Fares up until the day before your train departs, however there are a limited number of seats on each train at that price. If you wait you may be out of luck.

Typically the fast trains require a seat reservation which is over and above the cost of your Rail Pass.

The only rail pass that I've seen that actually offers good value and tremendous convenience is a Swiss Pass for travel in Switzerland.

On a side note, I hope you're allowing at least three weeks for your ambitious schedule :-)

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1358 posts

For some travelers I know that reservations seem to be required, but when I travel in Europe, I seldom make reservations for RR travel.

At specific times during the day or week or month you won't need reservations.

Read all you can on this page about experiences other travelers have had to help you determine if you need to make reservations for your travel.

If reservations are required, make them; but if not I would gamble on finding seats---as I have done many times. Try to board your car as fast as you can. Don't lag behind.

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7 posts

Thanks so much to all of you who answered! After looking at all your suggestions, we have revised our route, and are taking the SkyEurope flight from Prague to Rome. Once we changed our route, we recalculated the cost of our trains, and it looks like it's going to be better all around if we just to do point to point...not so many long train trips anymore.

I appreciate all the help, and am so excited about this trip, I can hardly stand myself! :)