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Train travel on Queen's Daiy in Netherlands

We hope to be travelling by train from Utrecht to the Texel Islands on Queen's Day, 2011. If that's a dumb idea, we can be flexible! thanks Eddie in San Antonio

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23286 posts

We were traveling on Queen's Day last year and didn't realize it till someone told us at the end of day. Don't think it will make much difference.

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32813 posts

Folk with more recent information than me will have better information, but until they chime in I'll have a go.... The train travels directly through Amsterdam on the way north. It may be full of people going to the doings in Amsterdam, and possibly taking boxes of stuff to sell at the sales, but if you are early enough you may miss many of them. Even if you don''t it may be fun. Should be plenty of trains, unless the line is closed for maintenance. Even if so, there will be alternatives. Have you got a plan to go onward from Den Helder to your destination?

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6 posts

Thanks for the replies. Yes, Nigel, we plan to ride the ferry to 't Hortnje and the bus to Oudeschild and stay a couple of days. Then we'll head down to Haarlem for four days. Eddie

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12040 posts

If you want a preview of the Texel Islands, here's probably the only movie to take place there, a little flick called "Jonah": Not a great movie, but enjoyable enough. And considerably sunnier than most movies from the Netherlands. When I lived in the US, it was available from Netflicks.