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Train travel in 5 countries

So my sisters and I are on a ancestor roots seeking tour. We will be traveling in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic by train. I have looked at point to point ticket costs and Eurail Pass Saver for 5 countries. The Eurail Pass is a group pass 1st class. The Point to Point tickets involve 5 countries on different rail websites. The second class tickets are less by about $100, first class is about $300 more purchasing non refundable tickets. I haven't gotten to all the details of additional costs for online tickets from US. I am finding that each country's rail system has their own regulations and requirements for purchasing and it feels complicated. I am beginning to think it may be worth the extra $100 for the convenience of purchasing the Eurail Pass which is an upgrade in coach, no hassle with 5 different booking systems and regulations, and more flexibility if our plans should change. Can anyone give me pros or cons of this thinking? Any help would be appreciated very much.

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Can't help you much without details. What are your travel dates? Your exact destinations? How many sisters? How many days on the pass you found? Price? You might look into this strategy: a Scandinavia pass for getting around in these pricey countries plus individual advance-sale tickets for the other countries. I've checked the DB railways site and found adv. purch. tickets for Copenhagen to Munich, a massive trip, for 39€ each. Same price for Munich-Vienna. But I'm making wild guesses about where you're headed. Travel in the CZ Republic is pretty cheap if you just walk up to a counter - I wouldn't get a pass for there. If the absence of details means you don't have an itinerary and intend to make it up as you go, then get the big pass.