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Train Travel from Brugge, Belgium to Lille, France

What are train options for train from Brugge to Lille on September 22 in the morning, including times and train numbr?

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1633 posts

I would give you this info, however, your day and times might change if you view it yourself. So, here's how to access the train schedules. Using this website, you can click on Eurail Pass Store and then Plan Your Rail Trip. At the top of that page, click on Train Schedules: Recommended Websites. Highlighted in blue, you will see the Deutsches Bahn website--click on it. Enter your travel info and you will get the train schedules for that particular day and the times it is leaving. When it gives you the train schedule, you can click on Details For All on the bottom left to get even more info. On this page, you can click on Show Intermediate Stops to show ALL stops this train will make and for how long. I print off this schedule & take it with me to purchase my tickets and also to know my options. Have fun.