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Train travel between Venice and Ljubljana, Slovenia

Are there regular trains that run between Venice and Ljubljana? Does anyone know the schedule and price?

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8700 posts

Depending upon the time of day, you can travel either all the way by train or by a combination of bus and train. See the timetables at After you get summary timetables for Venezia Santa Lucia-Ljubljana, click on "Details for all" to see the connecting points.

According to the Trenitalia site, the bus fare from Venezia to Villach is €24 and the train fare is €29. I checked the Austrian Rail site, but it doesn't show the fare for Villach-Ljubljana.

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15 posts

I'm totally new to this whole Europe train travel, but I think I might be able to help!

I was researching this as well, and on the Slovenia train site (here: )

It says that there is a regular train from Ljubljana to Venice, but it leaves at 2:30 in the morning!! I trust the website is correct, but you never know...

I'm hesitant to take the train/bus route, even if it is more convenient time wise. If anyone has any experiences on the train/bus route, I'd be happy to hear about them!

Anyway, just thought I'd share :)

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1 posts

I've got the same question. My wife and I will be taking the 14 Days Adriatic tour in May. We decided to spend the previous week in Venice renting a flat. When I checked timetables it seemed the train from Venice to Ljubljana to meet up with the tour I found it takes about 6 hours with changes and stops. I thought about departures from Trieste which is very close; no luck. Seems all the trains from Venice except one very late one take a roundabout route to Austria then back down to Ljubljana. It doesn't seem that far, but the train makes lots of stops.

We're planning on the train and just enjoying the view for the day, but any thoughts/alternatives welcome!