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Train Travel between Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Krakow, Berlin

Our trip includes flying into Berlin, then immediately going to Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow and then back to Berlin to fly home. We need some kind of rail tickets, but the combined (or multi day) passes don't ever include all of these countries. We' will be there 11 days, with 5 days of actual rail time. Any ideas on if we should try to do some grouping or get tickets for each leg on their own? There seems to be an eastern Europe pass, but either does or doesn't include Poland or Berlin.


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Most people find that individual tickets work out cheaper than a railpass. Often, if you plan, you can find discount tickets. You have to do the math. Check the various national websites for train prices and buy in advance when discounts are available. For example, for any train that begins or ends in Germany, you can check the Deutsche Bahn site at

Also, you may want to check discount airlines for some portions of your trip For example, Krakow to Berlin is more than 8 hours by train. AirBerlin has nonstop flights between the two cities.