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Train transfer questions

I asked this question in another section but will ask here also.. I am traveling with 4 kids (girls ages 11, 15 and two who are 17) and want to know if I have enough time to change trains.. Here are the details: departs Barcelona at 442P – arriving Perpignan at 738P then departs Perpignan at 743P and arrives in Collioure at 804P. This is 5 minutes! Will I have enough time to gather kids, luggage and find the other train?!! I have never done this before on my own with kids and bags! The other situation is: departs Collioure, FR at 903A arriving Cerbere at 918A –then departs Cerbere at 932A and arrives Barcelona at 1148A. Another 5 minute transfer! Would appreciate your insights!

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20980 posts

A good drill instructor will have all those kids trained to be by the door with their luggage when you pull into the station. Its a six track station so it won't be too far, and according to the schedule, your connecting train will already be in the station waiting for you. Ask the conductor if they know the arrival and connecting tracks so you don't have to waste time looking it up on the train board. Hey, it might even be right across the platform!
Ditto Cerbere.

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4684 posts

I would be much more worried about the Cerbere one as it is across an international boundary. Despite Schengen they do sometimes do passport/identity checks, especially if the train you're getting from Collioure is a long-distance overnight one starting from Paris the previous evening.