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Train Tickets from Munich to Bamberg

Does anyone have a use for three adult oneway train tickets from Munich to Bamberg on Aug 14th? I screwed up on dates and now have these I can't use. Paid $126, will take offers :>)

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19238 posts

You paid $126 each, or $126 total for three ticket? Since the full fare price of three adult express tickets to Bamberg is around $260 I have to think that these are Dauer-Spezial tickets, which can only be used by the person who purchased them, with a credit card ID. In other words, they are only valid for any other purchaser, not for resale.

I quote from the Bahn website, "Unlike tickets bought over the counter, the online ticket is only valid for you personally in conjunction with your means of identification, details of which are archived when you register and which you also have to carry with you on the train. Online tickets cannot, therefore, be made out in the name of another person."

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4 posts

Hi Lee,
Yes, these are the discount tickets, but I checked with Deutsche Bahn and it's only the tickets printed out online that are person-specific. These are tickets mailed to me. They said anyone could use them. They don't even have the names of the original passengers. The $126 was for all way.

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19238 posts

Well, Sally, even though it contradicts what the Bahn website says, it does make sense. The problem with the self print tickets is that a .pdf file is sent out, which could be printed repeatedly, and they have to control it, hence the credit card ID. If they mailed the tickets, then there can only be one copy.

However, the ticket is still only valid for a specific train and time on that date, and non-exchangeable, so you had better let any buyers know the specific train.

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19238 posts

Apparently, the term "online-ticket" as used by the Bahn, means a ticket that is not only sold online, but sent online, as a file for self print. It does not include a ticket that is sold online, but mailed. On the order page, they have two categories, "online-ticket (for self printing)" about which they say, "Valid together with a personal BahnCard, Credit Card or Cash Card (Maestro) only. Non-transferable, not bookable by a third party!"
Then they also have "ticket per mail", which is also sold online, but apparently not considered an online ticket, because it is mailed.

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4 posts

Thanks for the very constructive advice, Jeff! I'll certainly have a glass of wine. It's not the money..that's not a big deal. I just hate to see those tickets go to waste when someone (actually 3)could have them.