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Train ticket/pass confusion


I have asked in other topics here re an upcoming trip -I’m just not grasping it all even with some descriptive replies.

What is most confusing me the most is train tickets point to point vs passes like Eurail as well as eventually in the trip purchasing 1/2 fare and/or Jungfrau and/or Oberland.
Here is our pretty set itinerary.

We are 1 adult and 1 senior. I am thinking that purchasing point to point except while in CT getting the Terro MS Card, the 1/2 fare card in Switzerland along with either Oberland for Jungfrau card. Is a Eurail recommended?
Venice to Vernazza via Pisa (train +3nts)
Vernazza to Zermatt (train +2nts)
Zermatt to Mürren (train +4nts)
Mürren to Interlaken or Lucern or Basel (train +1nt)
Interlaken to Basel (train only)
Basel to Villengen Germany (train only)
Germany/Austria (9nts NO train)
Salzberg to Munich (train +1 nt)
Munich hotel to airport (train only)

Please, if you are savvy, I’d appreciate your recommendations. If you have an easy way/resource for me computing/crunching the numbers, please share. I am not sure which preferred train app to use that gives a good ballpark or exact ticket prices. Eurail has a 15% off discount NOW so, trying to figure it all out asap.

Thank you in advance for help :)

Posted by
203 posts

After doing 7 trips over the last 12 years to Europe, I just stopped even checking the feasibility of Eurorail passes.

Everything seems like such a headache to do this minor coordination. Personally I’ve just always opted to buying individual legs either the day of, or when I arrive at the station I will be departing from in a few days and never once had an issue.

There are countless YouTube videos etc. thoroughly explaining euro rail and most come to the same conclusion, it’s almost never worth it

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9007 posts

So in simple terms you have 6 substantive travel days, for which the cost is $343 or 316 Euro, so an average cost per travel day of 45 Euro, before reservation fees

So go to Trenitalia- (using what I think from earlier posts are your travel dates)
20 June Venice to Vernazza 70 Euro using Frecc trains
23 June Vernazza to Zermatt 100 Euro
Using SBB
25 June Zermatt to Murren full fare 106 Swiss Francs (114 Euro)
29 June Murren to Interlaken 22 CHF (25 Euro)
Using DB
30 June Interlaken to Villengen 59 Euro
8 July Salzburg to Munich 15 Euro
9 July Munich to Airport- pay locally

So 380 Euro but of that 140 becomes 70 with the half fare card.

Add back reservation fees when applicable and it suggests that point to point with relevant cards as stated by you is the more viable. That is a very quick back of the envelope calculation which I am sure others can improve on. Or at very best there is so little in it that Point to Point is probably the easier.

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14 posts

Thank you both so much! I have been watching YouTube pages and reading, reading, reading but I keep second guessing myself in the end. But, you both have truly helped solidify my finding that I do think I am finally understanding more than I think I do.
…once practical experience comes into play, I believe it’ll all make more sense.
Again, thank you! I am most grateful for your time!

Posted by
203 posts

Train tickets can always seem confusing as do timetables when looking at them from afar, from online sources, Rome to rio etc. it can feel frustrating and confusing.

In my experience, trains between the vast majority of major cities in Europe are plentiful, inexpensive, and accessible. And really, the absolute worst case scenario in most situations is having to stand for a few hours, or take a round about way to your destination.

Personally I always liked the flexibility of Same day or a few days previous bookings as you never really know EXACTLY when you’re going to want to leave somewhere months out

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15304 posts

The Pass is worth it depending on several variables :

your travel style, how may days in 2 months. 2nd class, duration of the trip, min 5 weeks, if you take night trains, if you intend zipping back and forth, r/t day trips exceeding 60 Euro, the Euro/$ exchange rate, the price indicated on the Pass in Euro as well $, where the Pass is to be mostly used, Sweden, Germany, France, the type of train one mostly takes, the TGV, IC, ICE,

I got the Pass in Nov. with a total of 25% discount (the senior of 10%), comes out to 23 Euro per travel day. A couple of night train rides and a few day rides, my Senior Pass is more than paid for.