I want to travel from Kaiserslaten (near Frankfurt) Germany to Kolding Denmark. Advice on what trains to use is much appreciated.
This website will enable you to answer your question: train schedule website
Norm has got the right idea, but using Bahn.de is kind of the long way around and has taken people to the wrong place. It's best to go dirctly to the German Rail query page, here.
Thank you all. Your advice is much appreciated. steve
The only expert advice is available at the RR station ticket window in Germany where the clerk can answer your questions. There are so many variations that you want up to date accurate information
When I was traveling by train in Switzerland several years ago I sat beside a resident of Zurich. He
asked what I paid for my railpass in the US. When I told him, he said I could have bought it cheaper
in Switzerland.
I have operated on that advice ever since and buy only point2point tickets at the window where I can
get a computer print of my itinerary showing train numbers, stations where I change trains, route
names and departure times. That has always been a great help for me.
Actually, if you want to take a look at the runs before you leave, to make sure you'll fit your travel plans into your schedule, you can get expert and up to date advice on schedules and prices from the German rail website at bahn.de, including all the stops along the way. Since your trip will start in Germany, you could also purchase advance tickets on that website, allowing you to take advantage of lower prices that may be gone by the time you get there.
Lee.....bahn.de to the wrong place? Hmmmm...I type in "bahn.de", click on "english" in the upper right, and there I am!