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Train stations in Turino

I am traveling from Paris to Florence and make a train change over in Turino. It looks like the train that comes into Turino from Paris arrives at a different station than the one that I depart from. I have over an hour in Turino. How close are the train stations. Will it be fairly easy to get from one to the other?

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30 posts

Unfortunately, I already bought the tickets. I had the Milan option and wasn't looking at the train stations when I was booking - on a whim, decided to go through Turin rather than Milan. I am learning to be more careful in making choices!

I am hoping there will be reasonably easy public transport between the train stations. My husband and I will be traveling light - just a medium backpack each, so moving around won't be a problem.

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8700 posts

According to, the Porta Susa station and the Porta Nuova station are 2km apart.

Have you already bought your tickets? If not, there is a better route. Book Paris-Milan and Milan-Florence. The train you will board in Paris goes on to Milan from Torino. Connecting in Milan will get you to Firenze S.M.N. at 17:00, 23 minutes earlier than your arrival time at Firenze Campo di Marte if you connect in Torino.

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8700 posts

I would think there would be taxis waiting for customers at the Porta Susa station. However, you would have plenty of time to walk between the stations.