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Train Reservations while in Europe

I am departing for Europe in 2 days so don't believe I have time to receive Reservations sent by mail. I understand that one can make reservations at the Train Stations while in Europe, but sounds like that may be stressful. I will be in Athens and then Rome prior to traveling through a dozen other countries. Does anyone have a recommendation of where to go to make overnight/couchette reservations??

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1840 posts

Why stressful? We do it all the time when we are in Europe. Just go to the ticket counter and tell the person what you want. Some stations have international counters and we use those. If you buy the ticket three days (72 hrs.) ahead you will get a discount. There are other little tricky things to do and I'm sure the professionals will help you. Its not stress, its easy.

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17 posts

Hey.. thank you for the kind reply. I was concerned that if I didn't make Reservations now, that the couchettes may be all booked. The 3 overnight trains I would like are: Vienna to Prague Aug. 4. Prague to Pudapest Aug. 7. And Budapest to Venice Aug. 10. oh.. & if you wouldn't mind me asking.. are reservations for popular non-overnight train trips important to make a couple days ahead of time? .. or do you think one can typically get them just prior to boarding? ? What are your thoughts? Thanks again,

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17 posts

oops.. I also didn't add that I have a Eurail Global Flexi Pass. So.. all I need are the reservations. Not the tickets.

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1840 posts

You will still have to go to the ticket counter with your pass in hand and tell the person there what you want. There will be an extra charge, but in my opinion, it is worth it. Some do fill up so the earliest you can make the reservation the better. We have used first class seats too, and that can be good unless you are traveling at night.

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8700 posts

Popular night trains can sell out weeks in advance. To guarantee a place on the night trains you wish to take, I suggest that you call Rail Europe immediately and buy those reservations now. Have them mailed to your hotel in Rome.

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17 posts

Thanks. .. that's a Great idea. I'll be in Youth Hostels, but I Will have a friend who I'll meet up w/ later - so I'll have the reservations sent to her.
Thanks again!