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Train Reservations???

I am arriving in Paris on June 2 and then taking a train to Chamonix on June 4. Is it neccesary for me to get a train reservation for that trip weeks in advance, or could i just get a reservation when i arrive in Paris on June 2? Would that be too late? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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23548 posts

If you had read any of the prior postings on this subject you will find that experience travelers seldom buy train tickets in advance. The exception being night trains. Many don't like being locked into a schedule. Train capacity is huge and frequent. If I was in your position I would purchase after I arrived but some people like the peace of mind with advance reservation.

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5 posts

Thanks for the advice. I will also look through the threads for previous topics on this subject.

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4555 posts

Experienced travellers who want to save money can see substantial savings by booking ahead at tgv-europe. On the second page of that website, put the country of residence to "Great Britain" to keep it in English. The regular walkup fare for your journey on 4 June is 108 Euro....special fares still available today are 77.50 Euro. You will be able to pick up your ticket from an automatic kiosk or the ticket window with the credit card you used for payment.

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5 posts

Great. I used that website and got what i was needing. Appreciate it. I am looking up the fares for point-to-point tickets to see what the cost is verse buying a rail pass.