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Train passes!!

Would like to know which train pass to purchase on-line or in Europe please> Here is our itinerary.

Arrive CDG 15th Nov. Travel to Connelles by train/bus?

Depart CONNELLES 22nd Nov to arrive MOUGINS on same day.

Depart MOUGINS 29th nov for SALOU, TARRAGONA, SPAIN either same day or 1st Dec.

Depart Salou on 8th Dec for Venice. Stay in Venice 2/3nights. Need to be in Rome by 12 Dec to fly to Malta.

Need to purchase train tickets for 3 adults. What would be the most cost effective for us please.

Ever so grateful,


Posted by
6898 posts

For Salou to Venice, I'm showing a train trip of 20.0hrs-31.0hrs depending on the run. Two runs go through France and into Switzerland. One run (the 20.0hr run) goes through SE France in into Italy. Several train changes along the way. All 3 runs that I see have night train segments.

You certainly don't need a rail pass of any type for your travel in Italy. Aside from the fact that P2P tickets are less expensive, Italy charges a seat reservation fee to railpass holders for the ICP and Eurostar-category trains. For the ICP trains, it's 3Euro. For the ES trains, it's 18Euro. Again, this is on top of the cost of the pass. The train runs between Venice and Rome are quite frequent. You can easily buy them when you arrive in Venice.

For Salou the Venice, I would suggest flying from Barcelona to Venice on I'm looking at 12/8 and I see a flight departing at noon and arriving at 13:50. Cost is 50Euro. However, these inexpensive airlines charge fees for everything so I would expect this cost to rise to about 80E-90E. Still, 2hrs in the air really beats 24hrs on the train. Plus, you don't need a railpass.

As a side note, you don't need a railpass to buy a P2P ticket on Raileurope. The website suggests that if you are traveling between countries, you might want a railpass. But, you really don't need one.

Posted by
4555 posts you mean Mougins, near Cannes? Is there some reason you must go there before Salou, since you'll be backtracking a'll go right past Mougins on your way to Venice!

Posted by
17 posts

Hi Norm, Yes to both questions mate. We will be backtracking as Salou accommodation was made as an afterthought. First big holiday and we got excited!!

Flying sounds like the way to go tho.


Posted by
4555 posts

That's probably the best way to go. For your journeys in France, and to Salou (book to Barcelona, then take the Spanish train from there to Tarragona and a bus from there) you can book at You can take advantage of some big savings by booking PREMs tickets, which you can print off at home....35 Euro for Rouen-Nice, about half the regular walk-up second class fare. Jurney times will be 9-10 hours Rouen-Nice, and 14 hours Nice-Barcelona.Unfortunately, there's only one discount airline flying between Nice and Barcelona (vueling) and it doesn't make that run on 29 November :(

Posted by
17 posts

would like to break nice - barcelona journey for overnight stay. Any suggestions please!!

Posted by
4132 posts

Re overnight stay: I don't think it matters much if you just mean to get off the train, go to bet, and then get on the train in the morning. Better to sleep on the train or fly.

Posted by
17 posts

Thanks Adam, Would like to experience the sleeper as we have one unbooked accommodation day (30th Nov). Which rail company covers trip from Nice- barcelona please!

Thanks for help

Posted by
4555 posts

The only way you'll get any sleep is to take one of the two trains that backtracks to Turin then picks up the EuroNight train from there to Barcelona. The third overnight train stops in Avignon just after midnight, and you don't pick up your train to Barcelona until around 5:30 the next morning. Check for train schedules, then use (French rail network) for times and'll likely have to book it in two legs....Nice to Turin, then Turin to Barcelona. Maybe, instead, if you want to take the train, plan an overnight in Avignon.