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Train, or bus from Zurich airport to Bern

We are arriving after 21:00 and want to take a train or bus to Bern. I am wondering the cost/time of a local train, or a name of a bus company that will be able to get us to Bern that late at night. Also need to find cost(Bus/train)from Bern to Heidleberg.

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9109 posts

You can get train schedules at the Swiss Rail site:

There are train connections that will get you to Bern until midnight, fare is 51 francs.

According to the Swiss Rail site the train fare from Bern to Heidelberg is 126 swiss francs.

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8700 posts

If you book your Bern-Heidelberg tickets well in advance (up to 90 days allowed) on the German Rail site,, you can get a Europa-Spezial Schweiz fare as low as €39. Even the standard fare of €76.60 (115.61 CHF) is cheaper than the fare which Michael quoted from the Swiss Rail site.