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Train or Bus from Trieste to Split

Has anyone taken a train or bus from Trieste to Split. I'm in Venice. At the information desk, they couldn't tell me if there was a way to get to Split from Trieste. I've also looked into ferries and can't find one from Venice to Split. Hopefully someone out there has done this before and has the info.

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1167 posts

There is no train from Trieste to Split but there are buses. They tend to be regional and it might be easier to go Trieste-Rijeka and connect to another line for Rijeka-Split. You can start here for the Trieste-Rijeka leg:

Posted by
881 posts

Hi, Kathy. I'd take Jeff's suggestion. You can train to Ljubljana, and then on - but the Slovenian, and Italian train systems don't connect. So from Venice, you train to Trieste, get on a bus for a 30-40 min ride up into the hills, then get back on a new train - Kind of a pain (especially with luggage.). So personally - I'd heartily recommend bus!! :)

If you can manage a stop in the cave district in Slovenia, wellllll worth it! :) Cheers.

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73 posts

I'm looking for the same route: Venice to Split in early October. I've done a lot of Internet searching and so far I've come up with the following:

1) train to Ancona (5 hrs), then overnight ferry to Split (10 hrs)
2) train to Zagreb (8 - 9 hrs), overnight, train to Split (5.5 hrs)
3) train to Trieste (about 4 hrs), bus to Split (10 hrs, once a day)
4) Train to Trieste, bus to Rijeka (1 hr), overnight ferry (10 hrs)

More research needed on schedules, connections, fares, etc. but so far option 1 seems to be the most comfortable. I have read that buses in Croatia are not that great (noisy, lots of stops) but cheap. There is also flying via Rome or Budapest but it's expensive. Good luck! Let me know what you find.

Posted by
16 posts

For the person traveling in October, Easyjet will be flying from Milan to Split. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't start until August 1. Thanks for the help!