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Train London to Brussels

How far is the Chunnel Euro Star train station in Brussels to the station where we would catch a train to Bruges?

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665 posts

Sorry - I had not read other posters that you do not call the Eurostar train by "Chunnel". I now know.

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8700 posts

You won't need to change stations. You'll arrive at Bruxelles-Midi and you can depart from Bruxelles-Midi.

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4684 posts

Pretty well all trains from Brussels to anywhere else in Belgium stop at Midi.

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33553 posts

Yup, you arrive on one platform, go to the front of the train or the middle where the nearest ramp or escalator is, go downstairs, then check the departure boards (there's also a large round information booth) and go up the escalator to the platform to the Oostend or Brugge train. Its a matter of dozens of metres rather than hundreds. If you've got a few minutes between trains there's plenty of shopping in the station, including a supermarket (GB, the last I looked but I think it is (has) changed to Carrefour) and a tasty burger chain restaurant called Quick.