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Train from Vienna to Trieste, ITaly help please

We will be in Vienna September 21 and would like to be on a morning train for Trieste, Italy. I have tried DBAHN for reference and see that it can be done, but, I can't figure it out with either Eurail or OBB, I can usually get Ljubliana, but, it takes 10 hours by the OBB train and then I have to get to Trieste and I don't find a route there either. We actually spoke with a travel consultant from Rick Steve's and he mentioned the route from Vienna from Ljubliana would be about $50 and take 5 hours using "Lander" tickets, I need more information on that if anyone knows.

Totally confused here... thanks for anything you can send!

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2674 posts

Those look like tough cities to pair. I don't even see simple flights. I assume you're tied to these cities and travel dates. I don't usually recommend bus transfers but Flix Bus will take you from Vienna to Trieste in 7.5 hours for 29 Euros.

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5475 posts

I replied on your duplicate questions, but a few additional thoughts here. Sept. 21 is a long way from now. There is no need to buy the ticket this early, really. 3-4 months out is good and the tickets aren't even available yet.

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4684 posts

Once you get to Ljubljana there's a very scenic and technologically interesting route to Trieste via local train and historic tramway - see Seat 61

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32 posts

Thank you everyone for your input, it's really appreciated. Yes, we are tied to these cities and dates, it's part of a month-long trip we are taking and right in the middle. We are traveling with another couple and will be covering a lot of ground. I know it's early to book train tickets, I just wanted to make sure we were going to be able to get there at all, so, I was checking train, air and whatever else I could. We were also trying to put together a "budget", as best we could, anyway. The bus idea might be perfect, thanks, I will look into that. Also, the suggestion for Seat 61 is great, we have been looking into it. Sometimes you have to just surrender to a "travel day" and make the most of it as things can't go as quickly as we would like I guess. I really love this site, it has helped me to work thru things and the website information is so valuable! I had posted on another site under the countries we were going to because I didn't realize there was a "transportation" forum, probably more fitting for my questions.

PS: I went thru my notes from the travel consultant form RS and realized that he may have been talking about Germany for the "lander" tickets, we will also be in Salzburg / Fussen area, so, sorry about that. I had a lot of notes on a list and got confused I thinkg.

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16895 posts

If you're looking at train schedules through DB, you'll see that Ljubljana is only a recommended transfer point on about one connection per day. Other departures from Vienna connect at Villach, Austria and/or Udine, Italy. Other departures from Ljubljana are earlier in the morning.

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11613 posts

I took the train from Wien to Villach, then a bus connection to Trieste. It was pretty much an all-day trip, but great scenery.