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Train from Paris to Madrid

I have three 30 day Eurail Passe's, going Paris-Madrid for me and my two grown kids, tried to book the overnight train, nothing available. Next choice is to take advantage of our global pass and book for long day trip vs. paying 225 euro taking Easyjet and get there quick. Any advice on what to do?

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20 posts

Take the train. Easy jet are a cheap airline with heavy restrictions on baggage the train is a very pretty route

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4535 posts

The Paris-Madrid overnight train only runs certain days of the week. Be sure to check a different day if your schedule is a little flexible. You're other overnight train option is to go to Barcelona and then take the AVE to Madrid.

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8700 posts

According to the timetables on the German Rail site, the direct Paris-Madrid night train runs every day. You may be trying to book too far in advance. What is your travel date?

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110 posts

Cliff...all things being equal, personally I'd take the plane. I've flown EJ lots of times. Good long as you are aware of the restrictions on baggage, check-in etc. After a "certain" age those loooong train trips dont hold quite the same charm as they did back in the day..

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4412 posts

Someone else today on this Helpline is in a bind because she can't get the sleeping arrangement she wants, and you really need to reserve from the USA from (probably) Rail Europe, PLUS add in the fees/S&H, so that you don't get there and have no place to you've already discovered. UNLESS you think you'll enjoy the 'day off' by taking the day-long train ride...eek! Those airline tickets don't look so badly now...Can you break up your trip into 2 or even 3 days? There's certainly lots in between Paris and Madrid...

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7 posts

Thanks all for the helpful comments. I decided to do the overnight train and reserved a 4 person cabin for me and my two sons. Really looking forward to the experience...never done this before. Now the only question is will I actually be able to sleep...thanks again the the comments.

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4535 posts

Interesting info Tim about the Paris-Madrid running daily now. Didn't use to be that way even less than a couple years ago. So perhaps they have upgraded their service.