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Train from Paris to Florence

I am trying to figure out how much the train from Paris to Florence is, and the only site that will actually give me pricing is RailEurope. From everything I've read, if I go with them it is more expensive. I've looked on, and it has the trains but where they should show price it is blank.
I want a one way on Sept 7th. Am I too early to get pricing?

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3260 posts

Not too early. It is a good time to looks for discounts. It is a two-step process: look on for the route, then buy the tickets on the national websites. shows the easiest route is Paris Lyon to Torino Porta Susa, and then from there to Florence S.M.N. Journey is just under 9 hours. Try looking on Trenitalia for those two legs. Surely they will have Torino to Florence. If they don't have Paris to Torino, you can find that on TGV-Europa. But if you are just trying to figure out prices, not buy, be aware that you will see discount prices offered now which may not or will not be available if you wait to buy when you get to Europe. So buy the discounts now if you want them.

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2092 posts

Or rather than a 9 hour train trip, you could compare time and cost with a flight. Easyjet has a €75 flight leaving at 11:50, arriving in Pisa at 13:30. You can catch the train to Florence right at the airport; it takes 1 hour to an hour & 1/2. I always prefer to take the train but sometimes even with the travel time to the airport, the early check-in and the travel into town, it is still worth it to fly.

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70 posts

Darcy, thanks so much for that info. I looked at flights, but didn't look at easyjet. By doing it that way, I am going to save $100! Awesome!

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3580 posts

When traveling thru Torino, be aware there are two train stations or there used to be. And they are across town from each other. Check to see if you arrive at one station and depart from the other. I took a taxi between the two several years ago. Bus service may be available, but I couldn't figure it out.

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6898 posts

Carrie, it is faster and less expensive to take EasyJet. However, please closely read the travel conditions with special attention to the check-in rules and luggage sizes and weights. The budget airlines in Europe and now starting in the U.S. make a lot of extra money on these little items. Your $100 could dwindle a bit but its still the best way to get to Florence from Paris.

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10042 posts

Torino does have two train stations, but they are connected by the metro they're only one stop away from each other. Porta Susa and porta Nuova. But that's OBE since you're taking easy jet! Be sure to pay attention to the luggage rules,and pay in advance if you'll need to check any bags. And when they say one carryon, they mean ONE carryon. Not a bag and a purse, or a computer bag and a backpack - one total.